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Need help with my writing homework on Qualitative and Quantitative Problem Statements. Write a 750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Qualitative and Quantitative Problem Statements. Write a 750 word paper answering; Qualitative and quantitative research ments Qualitative ment of the problem- Euthanasia Euthanasia remains a controversial issue in the society. Some jurisdictions have legalized it while others have not and divergent views and regulations exist. In the Netherlands, the practice is legal even though patients and physicians do not have rights to the practice. The process of making decision into euthanasia also remains complex and requires emotional support to both patients and physicians (Dees, Vernooji-Dassen, Dekkers, Elwyn, Vissers and Weel, 2013). Different types of stakeholders also hold different opinions towards euthanasia. Experienced nurses from Poland identify familiarity with the practice and explain that a person’s philosophy in life is the most significant factor in people’s perception on euthanasia. This therefore also affects decision-making process among stakeholders to an instance towards need for euthanasia. The position is based on consideration of majority perceptions because divergent opinions exist (Brzostek, Dekkers, Zalewski, Januszewska and Gorkiewiecz, 2008). Differences in opinions on euthanasia also exist in legal and social environments. While the Netherlands has a legal environment that supports euthanasia, though under regulations, historical trends in Spain shows a shift towards illegalization of euthanasia. Experienced cases have led to regional legislations against euthanasia, in Spain, and the central government has also attempted to make the practice illegal (Simon-Lorda and Barrio-Cantalejo, 2012). Despite the possible variation in perception by legal jurisdiction, convergence of themes among societies across legal environments exists (Siu, 2010). Existing literature however fails to inter-relate these factors to perception on euthanasia for informed policies. Problem description, qualitative approach A qualitative approach involving focus groups from different countries will illustrate different perceptions of factors around the euthanasia debate in their localities. Each of the focus groups will be composed of people who have experienced euthanasia as a caregiver of a relative to a patient to whom the practice was administered. Developed information from different groups will then be incorporated to develop a model for understanding environmental factors affecting people’s perception on euthanasia. This will inform health policy makers in developing policies that are sensitive to the society’s needs over administration of euthanasia so that the policies do not contradict people’s fundamental values. Problem description, quantitative approach A survey on factors that people consider or may consider in making decisions towards administration of euthanasia will demonstrate positions on the euthanasia debate. Sampling participants from diversified populations and administering questionnaires proposed factors to the euthanasia debate would aid the study that will review frequencies of considered factors to identify their significance to the debate across sub populations. Results of the study will demonstrate people’s opinions on euthanasia and explain potential effects that legislations on the practice can offer. This will offer a basis for informed policies on administration of euthanasia. Quantitative statement of the problem- Relationship between leadership styles in nursing and outcomes in delivered care Leadership involves influence of followers towards achievement of set objectives and is important in change implementation or in transformation of operational environments. Different leadership styles exist and while situational leadership theory suggest that environments dictate leaders’ level of effectiveness (Fairholm and Fairholm, 2009), the notion that leaders are nurtured means that leadership potentials can be nurtured to effectiveness under any environment. Different leadership styles and theories exist that are applicable in nursing. While many nursing professionals seem to be inclined towards transformational leadership, other leadership styles, such as transactional leadership can offer effectiveness to leadership outcomes in nursing (Giltinane, 2013). In mental nursing environment, for instance, “transformational and distributed leadership” styles are associated with highest levels of success in care provision (Cleary, Horsfall, Deacon and Jackson, 2011, p. 632). While the findings were limited to micro conditions, a wider perspective of organizations may develop better insights into effectiveness of leadership styles. A correlation study to investigate relationship between leadership styles and effectiveness also noted a significant difference between leadership styles’ effectiveness with transformational style as the most effective followed by transactional style (Casida and Parker, 2011). Conflicting knowledge between theory and empirical results on effectiveness of leadership identifies the need for a study on relative effectiveness of leadership styles for identification of a style that offer general effectiveness despite environments. Problem description, qualitative approach Administering questionnaires on perceived effectiveness of leadership styles based on personnel and patient’s experiences with health facilities will demonstrate relative effectiveness of leadership styles. Developed information will help health care facilities to focus on recruitment and nurturing of types of leaders that can improve service delivery despite their environments. Problem description, quantitative approach The study will involve survey on facilities with different predominant leadership styles and use questionnaires to rank patients’ level of utility. Data analysis of effectiveness across leadership style will identify the most effective leadership style that can then be nurtured for improved leadership. The results are important to care facilities, care personnel, and patients because of their interest in quality of offered services. References Brzostek, T., Dekkers, W., Zalewski, Z., Januszewska, A. and Gorkiewiecz, M. (2008). Perception of palliative care and euthanasia among recently graduated and experienced nurses. Nursing Research 15(6), 761-777. Casida, J. and Parker, J. (2011). Staff nurse perceptions of nurse manager leadership styles and outcomes. Journal of Nursing Management 19(4), 478-486. Cleary, M., Horsfall, J., Deacon, M. and Jackson, D. (2011). Leadership and mental health nursing. Issues in the Mental Health Nursing 32(10), 632-639. Dees, M., Vernooji-Dassen, M., Dekkers, W., Elwyn, G., Vissers, K. and Weel, C. (2013). Perspectives of decision making in request for euthanasia: A qualitative research among patients, relatives, and treating patients in the Netherlands. Palliative Medicine 27(1), 27-37. Fairholm, M. and Fairholm, G. (2009). Understanding leadership perspectives: Theoritical and practical approaches. New York, NY: Springer. Giltinane, L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard 27(41), 35-39. Simon-Lorda, P. and Barrio-Cantalejo, I. (2012). End of life healthcare decisions, ethics and law: The debate in Spain. European Journal of Health Law 19(4), 355-365. Siu, W. (2010). Communities of interpretation: Euthanasia and assisted suicide debate. Critical Public Health 20(2), 169-199.

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