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Write 6 pages with APA style on Keys for Poverty Reduction. According to some individuals, providential governance implies development. As an indicator of development, providential governance leads to

Write 6 pages with APA style on Keys for Poverty Reduction. According to some individuals, providential governance implies development. As an indicator of development, providential governance leads to development. Good governance entails the process by which public institutions conduct all the public affairs and manage public resources, without abuse and corruption, and in fulfillment of the rule of law. The concept of quality governance has key attributes such as responsibility, accountability, transparency, and serves the needs of the public (Morgan 1995, p. 54). Good governance reinforces human rights. Good governance and human rights interact in areas such as democratic institutions, service delivery, rule of law, and anti-corruption. Hence, where there is proper governance, there are developments.

Good governance helps in poverty reduction. In cases where there is sound governance, there is proper and effective policy formulation. Good governance eradicates issues of corruption in the public institution, which makes the institutions efficient in the allocation of resources. This implies that. good governance will ensure the eradication of poverty through efficient resource allocation. Policies geared towards mitigating poverty will be enforced, in countries that have strong governance. In addition, due to strong governance, the human rights watch of a country will be active, leading to poverty reduction (Shields 2007, p. 53).

Health is one of the development indicators. with quality health, a country can be ranked as developed. Hence, health can be used to mark development. Health relates to human rights in that. human rights promote quality health. Human rights institutions help in the implementation of policies that support quality health. Such policies can be geared towards offering free medical services in public hospitals, acquisition of upgraded equipment in hospitals, and&nbsp.building health facilities (Herrick 1983, p. 66).

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