Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 750 words assignment on the westin bayshore hotel vancouver. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 750 words assignment on the westin bayshore hotel vancouver. Needs to be plagiarism free! The Westin Bayshore Hotel Vancouver al Affiliation Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Current restaurant 3 Other recommendations 5 Core values 5 Conclusion 6 References: 7 Introduction Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Inc. is one of the world’s premier hotel and leisure organization and boasts of approximately 850 properties. The Westin Bayshore Hotel is one of them. It is a four star category property and provides an array of products to its esteemed guests besides breathtaking view of the Coastal Mountains (Westin Hotels and Resorts, 2011). Current restaurant In this assignment, we will emphasize on the Currents restaurant. Previously this restaurant served all three meals to customers. However, the restaurant has now resorted to serving only breakfast to its guests. However a major strategic change has been implemented by the management and all major meals will not be served to the customers. This restaurant will only cater to breakfast as there are few customers for lunch or dinner. Recommendations for the hotel Service quality is one of the major concerns in the hotel industry. This is especially true for the restaurants service food to its customers. The chefs do not provide freshly prepared food to its customers and hence this affects the quality and taste of the food. This affects the customer loyalty indirectly and hence the restaurant may not have repeat guests (Wilkins, Merrilees & Herington, 2007). Recommendations for the kitchen The kitchen must have more utensils and should also have frying pans wherein lot fat low calorie fry foods can be included as a breakfast option. Nowadays the food and beverage options have witnessed major changes and hence there are a lot of breakfast options. They can also have Panini machine for making sandwich and microwave ovens which will help in providing a variety of breakfast items. Other than these, the kitchen must have a steam kettle, waffle machines, tea/coffee makers and convection makers as these are suitable for serving beverages to guests. A juice maker should also be available in this kitchen to provide fresh and cool juices to customers. All these cooking machines will help the chefs to provide fresh food at the shortest period of time. These recommendations will help in improving the quality of service and help in meeting customer expectations and needs (Antony, Antony & Ghosh, 2004). Also there are limited items like blenders and meat slicers in the breakfast kitchen and other items like hopper mixer and buffalo choppers must be used. In fact they should use induction rangers and other ovens like wolf, rational and garland also other than employing the usual top stoves, grills, salamanders, six burner top stoves and dock ovens. One of the main recommendations for the management is to merge the kitchen for all three restaurants. However, this may result in an overcrowded kitchen and hence the servers will not be able to food to the customers in time. Also the quality of food may be compromised in order to serve food within the least amount of time. A better strategy will be to devote a separate kitchen for the Currents restaurant. This should have a host of equipments aiding to make delicious and savory items for the guests. Other equipments The hotel must have carts to load the food from the kitchen to the serving area. The front kitchen have holding tables but it is recommended that they use hot primary, a bath tub with hot water, used to keep liquids like soups and sauces hot. Also they do not have any ice machines as these are needed to serve chilled food. The Currents restaurant needs conveyor dishwashers which is suited to wash bowls and plates. Maintaining the equipments In case of an equipment malfunction, the servers and cooks immediately contact an engineer. It is essential that they take a keen interest to find out what went wrong, how to maintain the machine and how to fix it in case of simple problems. Focussing on food quality Other than all these equipments, the hotel must focus on the quality of vegetables and meat items that are bought from the vendors. Nowadays with the breakthroughs attained in science and technology major developments have been conducted. Hence, the hotel must focus on bringing good biological quality of food. Also the hotel needs to get certain oils and dairy items which have fewer calories (Estham, Sharples & Ball, 2001). Other recommendations Also special discounts should be provided to the guests. Other than these, food promotion festivals should be organized from time to time wherein the guest can get to enjoy the exquisite Thai, Continental, Italian, Mexican etc. food. All in all, these strategies will help in attracting more and more guests. Core values The hotel staff must imbibe some values which will help in attracting and retaining customers. On a personal level, they must interact with guests and try to know about their preferences. The staff must act on their own instincts to find out more about a guest’s choices. Accordingly they must proactively act to fulfill the needs of the customers. In fact, one must greet a customer and have a smile on their lips while serving guests. The hotel staff should have a polite disposition and careful selection of words will help them in finding more knowledge about a guest and help in serving them better. In fact, the customers must feel they have had a wonderful experience right from the time they checked in till the time they checked out of the hotel. This is renewal. All these qualities will help in retaining customer loyalty and help in developing brand image of the hotel. Conclusion A key factor which is especially needed for luxury and five star hotel chain is developing brand equity and brand image. In order to attain this, it is very important that brand image, brand loyalty and perceived quality are very important and is directly related to customer satisfaction (Kim & Kim, 2005). In conclusion, it is very necessary for a hotel to develop customer loyalty. This is one of the key factors responsible for the success of a hotel. Also the image presented in the minds of the guests and satisfactions of the customers are all responsible for customer loyalty. Research conducted in this field has indicated that food quality and price are directly related to customer loyalty (Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2000). References: Antony, J., Antony, F.J. & Ghosh, S. (2004). Evaluating service quality in a UK hotel chain: a case study. International Journal of Contemporary Hotel Management, 16(6), pp. 380-384. Estham, J.F., Sharples, L. & Ball, S. (2001). Food Supply Chain Management: Issues for the Hospitality and Retain Sector. Butterworth – Heinemann: Oxford. Kandampully, J. & Suhartanto, D. (2000). Customer loyalty in the hotel industry: The role of customer satisfaction and image. International Journal of Contemporary Hotel Management, 12(6), pp. 346-351. Kim, H. & Kim, W.G. (2005). The relationship between brand equity and firms’ performance in luxury hotels and chain restaurants. Tourism Management, 26(4), pp. 549-560. Westin Hotels and Resorts. (2012). The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver. Retrieved on April 21, 2012 from Wilkins, H., Merrilees, B. & Herington, C. (2007). Towards an understanding of total service quality in hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(4), pp. 840-853.

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