Article Writing Homework Help

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on College Student Development. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on College Student Development. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Fаculty constіtuеnts who rеаlіsе thеsе аltеrаtіons cаn concеіvе tеchnіquеs аnd undеrtаkіngs thаt rеndеzvous studеnts’ dеsіrеs аnd support thеіr procееdеd dеvеlopmеnt.

The case under study is that of a 20-year-old female student who is in freshman year of college. The case was presented with complains of not feeling a part of the college life, feeling alienated from others and having an unstable self-image with a lack of confidence. The subject belonged to a minority group, studying in a country with majority of white students in an institute where there were only a few black students like her.

The main developmental issues in the presented case can be identified under two groups. Identity issues and psycho-social developmental issues. The subject feels alienated and different therefore she is unable to fit in the college. Coming from an all-black school background, this environment is new and unique for her and she is facing the challenge of being scrutinized for acceptance and self-scrutiny for being accepted at the same time. The underlying cause of this issue of fitting in seems to be that of identity development. It appears that the subject’s identity development is yet immature which is leading to other issues like fitting in the college.

The following four theories can be applied to develop an understanding of the presented case. These theories are discussed briefly below at the end of each description, the theory has been related to the case.

Erickson’s (1982, 1997) famous psychosocial theory divides the life span into eight developmental stages. These include trust v/s mistrust, autonomy v/s shame, initiative v/s guilt, industry v/s inferiority, identity v/s role confusion, intimacy v/s isolation, generativity v/s stagnation and ego integrity v/s despair.

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