Article Writing Homework Help

Q. Choose one illustration from Berger’s website/book that you think demonstrates one of the gestalt principles of human perception, and explain why this is true. Then, search for and find an example

Q. Choose one illustration from Berger’s website/book that you think demonstrates one of the gestalt principles of human perception, and explain why this is true. Then, search for and find an example of the same principle – this second image should be an advertisement or promotional image that is intended to influence consumer behaviour in some way, and tell us why you think the demonstrated Gestalt principle makes it more (or less) effective.

– Link to Berger’s website/book:

– link to a website with good examples of these principles:

– John Berger’s book, “Ways of Seeing”,

Name of Textbook – Solomon, Michael R., Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having and Being (2019)13thEdition

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