Article Writing Homework Help

What do you see as the future of families? Use at least two of the Learning Resources to support your predictions.In your response,please refer specifically to at least two of this Learning Resources,

What do you see as the future of families? Use at least two of the Learning Resources to support your predictions.In your response,please refer specifically to at least two of this Learning Resources, citing them in the text and also listing the full reference information at the end of your post, using APA citation style.

Learning Recourse:

National Marriage Project. (2019). iFidelity: Interactive technology and relationship faithfulness. Retrieved from

University of California Television. (2015). The future of marriage. Retrieved from

Cohen, P. (2020, May). How big will the drop in weddings be? Big. Retrieved from

Barroso, A., Parker, K., & Bennett, J. (2020, May 27). As millennials near 40, they’re approaching family life differently than previous generations

Vogels, E. A., & Anderson, M. (2020, May 8). Dating and relationships in the digital age. Retrieved from

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