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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic An Exposition of The Play Marat/Sade.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic An Exposition of The Play Marat/Sade. There are also nurses and supervisors that occasionally step in the play to restore the required order. Coulmier, who is the bourgeois hospital director, has the role of doing supervision on the performance as the stage action continues. The play has several thematic contents that the writer has brought to the light of the readers. This essay will look into the lucid analyses of the themes using quotes as evidences or backups to the arguments and explanations. One of the most dominant themes in the play is tyranny or dictatorship. The eighth chapter begins with the word tyranny, written in italics. Pained Marat is giving an order to Simonne to give him more cold water. The tone he employs while delivering the message to Simonne is a commanding and authoritative one. “(Tyrannically). Smonnne Simonne. More cold water. Change my bandage” (Weiss 15). This is an example of allegory used in the play to represent the behaviors of different leaders in the society. Racism is another theme evident in the play. It is revealed through sarcastic remarks made by Simonne to Jean-Paul. He tells him not to scratch himself since he will tear his skin to into pieces. “Jean-Paul don’t scratch yourself you’ll tear your skin to shreds give up writing Jean-Paul it won’t do any good” (Weiss 15). …

Some characters enhance the theme through romantic love type whereas others show it as a way and means of strengthening the relationship in a given institution or family. For instance, in the 15th page, Simonne is taking care of Marat. She nurses his wounds and responds to his demand in order to ensure that Marat is not disturbed and gets all the support necessary for his survival. This way she portrays love as a theme in the play. Simonne stands ready behind him and carries out with maniacal movements her rehearsed tasks. She changes the bandage, fans him with the shoulder cloth and tips a jug over the bath” (Weiss 15). Love is also present when Simonne advises Marat not to scratch himself. She reveals her caring and love for him and that is the reason why she offers the advice.

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