Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Father Hesburghs Influence at the University of Notre Dame. It needs to be at least 2500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Father Hesburghs Influence at the University of Notre Dame. It needs to be at least 2500 words. Through his policies, the university’s budget increased greatly in size and the academic levels of the institutions were raised to a whole new level. Father Hesburgh showed great character in dealing with the student activism during the Vietnam War through his speeches and the ‘Tough 15 – minute rule’. People say that Father Hesburgh was one of the best things that ever happened to the University of Notre Dame, and for this reason, the university’s library is now named after him.

Father Theodore Martin Hesburgh, born in 1917, in Syracuse, New York, was a great man. He strongly aspired to become a priest ever since the years he spent in Roman Catholic grade schools (OBrien, 1998). After graduating from high school, he joined the University of Notre Dame in 1934 for undergraduate studies but was soon sent to Italy by his seminary. He then continued his studies in a roman university until the outbreak of World War II forced him to leave the country (OBrien, 1998). During the war, he went to The Catholic University of America from where he graduated in 1945 with a Ph.D. degree in ‘sacred theology’ (Hesburgh, 1990) (OBrien, 1998). Father Hesburgh has had a lasting impact on American society and higher education. Following this, he attended the seminar held in Washington DC at the Holy Cross College where he was honored with the official title of a Roman Catholic priest.

The University of Notre Dame is basically a Catholic American research institute located in Notre Dame. It is to be noted that “Notre Dame” is a French word which means ‘our lady’ and refers to the Virgin Mary (Hesburgh, 1990). Hesburgh spent time in Holy Cross at Notre Dame studying theology and philosophy as well as several different languages. After that, he was chosen to study at the Gregorian University in Rome because of his loyalty, obedience, and success. His first two years at Notre Dame eventually led him to& selected to study there (Hesburgh, 1990).

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