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Write 1 page thesis on the topic incivility and resolution using an ethical-reasoning tool.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic incivility and resolution using an ethical-reasoning tool. Incivility in Healthcare Incivility in the area of nursing is regarded as activity of bullying that arises among nurses and their colleagues. It takes place between nurses that work at the same level, between nurses and their managers and nurses and their students in different healthcare organizations. (Chitty, 2011, p.335).

Example 1: A nurse was working on certain patient’s paper work in a healthcare institution and was tapping her pen on the table. The manager came to her and shouted on top of her voice while informing her that sanctions will be levied on him/her if he/she did not stop tapping the pen. The nurse experienced embarrassment as there were a lot of other nurses and around (Clark, 2008).

Example 2: A nursing staff member was shouted at loudly in front of all other nurses during a training session for nurses working in a healthcare setting. As a result, the nursing staff member started focusing on coping strategy instead of focusing on the lecture being taught.

Example 3: During a meeting between the head of different departments of a healthcare setting, the Nursing department’s head raised his hand to provide insight regarding the issue being discussed. He was not acknowledged and his gesture of raising hand was ignored by the director of the healthcare institute.

The National League for Nursing has devised a toolkit to counter issues such as incivility in healthcare settings (NLN, 2013). This tool kit has provided with several ways through which various concerns of healthcare settings can be resolved. The toolkit deals with issues such as compensation and benefits, leadership, healthcare setting’s environment and leadership.


Chitty, K. K., & Black, B. P. (2011). Professional nursing: concepts & challenges (6th ed.). Maryland Heights, Mo.: Saunders/Elsevier.

The Healthful Work Environment Tool Kit. (n.d.). National League for Nursing. Retrieved July 21, 2013, from

Clark, C. M. (January 01, 2008). Student Voices on Faculty Incivility in Nursing Education: A Conceptual Model. Nursing Education Perspectives, 29, 5, 284-289.

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