Article Writing Homework Help

For Assessment 3, the article by Dahan at al. (2010) is an essential reading as it will introduce you to the topic of NGO-corporate collaboration in emerging and a variety of relevant examples (discus

For Assessment 3, the article by Dahan at al. (2010) is an essential reading as it will introduce you to the topic of NGO-corporate collaboration in emerging and a variety of relevant examples (discussed in Topics 3 and 4). 

Topic 3: Corporate-NGO collaboration in emerging markets in Asia 

Dahan, N. M., Doh, J. P., Oetzel, J. and Yaziji, M. (2010). ‘Corporate-NGO collaboration: Co-creating new business models for developing markets’. Long Range Planning, 43, 326-42. 

Topic 4: Corporate-NGO collaboration along a supply chain 

Dahan, N. M., Doh, J. P., Oetzel, J. and Yaziji, M. (2010). ‘Corporate-NGO collaboration: Co-creating new business models for developing markets’. Long Range Planning, 43, 326-42. 

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