Article Writing Homework Help

Write 1 page thesis on the topic persuasive outline/speech/presentation. According to (Harris, 2008) successful marketing should involve engaging consumers in interactive conversations. For the retail

Write 1 page thesis on the topic persuasive outline/speech/presentation. According to (Harris, 2008) successful marketing should involve engaging consumers in interactive conversations. For the retail giant Wal-Mart, Twitter offers the best options for interacting with millions of consumers around the world.

With branches in 51 countries and millions of customers the best way to communicate on new stock arrivals and amazing discounts offered by Wal-Mart is through Twitter. Twitters offers a quick way of communicating to customers and giving them the chance to air out their views concerning the provisions offered them by Wal-Mart. Studies have shown that although a large number of consumers still shop in brick and wall shops, millions do they research over the internet to establish the shops that that have the best offers in the market. Internet marketing has become an effective way of reaching millions of consumers at cost effective prices due to the increasing number of internet users globally. However, it is also important to choose the kind of internet marketing that will offer the opportunity to communicate with buyers in a more personalized way. Social network like Twitter offers the opportunity and has platform for interactive discussions with consumers. By posting a Tweet, an organization can have the chance of evaluating the kind of response elicited by a marketing move it has made. Wal-Mart’s success is based on the competitive offers it has in terms of prices and by constantly informing customer of the competitive prices the company will really benefit.

Current approaches in marketing are taking advantage of the power of internet marketing. However strategizing is also important to ensure that objectives are met and that consumers actually get the correct message being conveyed. In addition, it is also important for a company to get the opinion of consumers with regard to the offers it has. For Wal-Mart, the best approach would be to use an interactive social media like Twitter.


Harris, J. (2008). Internet Marketing 100 Success Secrets – Online Marketings Most Asked Questions. New York: Cengage.

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