Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: Opportunities of Online Retailing. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is r

Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: Opportunities of Online Retailing. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. By 2005, the e-business revenue exceeded $2 trillion (Laudon & Guercio 2014). This is a strong signal that additional businesses are becoming aware of the opportunities that are available and exploiting them for their own benefits and that of the customers. Some of the brick and motor enterprises which had only physical presence have decided to embrace it to realize the benefits of the innovation (Chaudhury & Kuilboer 2002). It is, however, important to remember that for a brick and motor business to embrace and benefit from e-commerce, it must be ready to counter some of the challenges inherent in the practice. With the right approach, positive outcomes will be realized both in the short term and long term.

E-commerce can be defined as a business that is transacted electronically. In most instances, the internet is used (Frieden & Roche 2006). Majority of people take e-commerce to be only about buying commodities over the web. However, it is much more than this. The practice includes purchasing various items from online sellers, online banking services and paying for travel services and accommodation. The basic idea is that there is minimal or no physical contact between the seller and the buyer of the commodity (Graham 2008). This is unlike the brick and motor business model, which requires the buyer to come to the physical location of the commodities and products and buy them or pay for them.

Brick and motor businesses rely on traditional selling platforms (Humeau & Jung 2013). This is the same model that Coventry Books has been using. For a customer to transact any business with Coventry Books, he must travel to the location of the enterprise, select the book he wants and pay for it. This is unlike e-commerce which can allow the customer to carry out these transactions and activities without having to physically visit the store. There are several businesses that have relied on this practice to increase their market base and profits.

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