Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on Teenagers’ cool culture. Write a 2500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Teenagers’ cool culture. Write a 2500 word paper answering; Rushkoff describes in vivid detail this loop, as the media studies the kids in order to acquire popular images and then sells them the images of themselves. The youth and teens are instantly drawn to these images thereby desiring them. Following this replication, the media observes the interaction among the adolescents and then create new images to fit with the latest trend, and so on. The important question here is the authenticity of the images of the prevalent teen culture ardently pursued by the youth, which is shaped by the advertisement conglomerates, whose sole purpose is the sale and profits of their businesses, regardless of the protection and protection of the true teen American culture and identity.

The ‘cool’ youth culture is actually known to have been initiated in the 1980s when parents began to spend more and more on the needs and desires of their children, as a result of the onset of the nuclear family systems coupled with the double income from both working parents. This also happens to be the period when conglomerates began their cold wars with each other in order to hook the teens into buying their brands and maintain loyalty towards their brands. Marketing and selling acquired a major role in the process, where marketing companies began to hire spies, to inculcate the ‘cool’ teen behavior into their advertisements, in order to lure the youth into buying their products. The impressionable adolescents were obviously drawn towards these images of themselves like a pierced nose or eyebrow, or cuffed leg or sleeve. The cycle of pursuit of ‘cool hunting’ was a vicious and never-ending one because the moment a ‘cool’ behavior was identified and adopted it ceased to be “cool”!

The intelligent kids obviously became aware of this cycle and the 1990s saw an absolutely new defensive to this mechanism, a rebellious defensive by the youth culture.

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