Article Writing Homework Help

Write 2 pages with APA style on Wood processing technology. Wood Processing Problem ment The rate in which our forests are diminishing of which the wood industry is heavily dependent on is an internat

Write 2 pages with APA style on Wood processing technology. Wood Processing Problem ment The rate in which our forests are diminishing of which the wood industry is heavily dependent on is an international concern. Diminishing raw wood and increasing recycled wood in wood processing will contribute to the international efforts. The proposed thesis shall dwell on the different recycled wood and their ideal use in wood processing as a replacement to actual wood. The proposed thesis shall focus in particular to a wood process that produces ply woods, Medium Density Fibers and Oriented Strand Boards.

The different types of recycled wood have specific uses that will totally limit if not eliminate the use of raw wood. Aesthetically recycled wood could be more resilient and more manageable than actual wood. In terms of strength recycled wood can also be comparable and would be able to withstand the requirement of wood products.


The objective of the proposed thesis is to educate the different sectors dependent on wood and the sector that heavily contribute to wood processes of the advantages of recycled wood. It is also the objective of this thesis to provide alternative processes that would make use of recycled wood rather than raw wood in wood processes. The proposed thesis will be able to provide information on the different qualities and specifications of the different recycling methods and the recycled wood products that they produce.


Using secondary sources and the works of others in the same subject of research will enable the proposed thesis to provide reliable information that could be used by wood producers. Due to the limited time and resources experimentation with regards to the strength and aesthetic impact of recycled wood cannot be done.

Literature Review

“There is an increasing need to develop technologies in which renewable materials are used as direct replacement for non-renewables. Our current rate of consumption of non-renewable are high and in most cases increasing, but the reserves from which they are obtained are finite and exhaustible. Our present patterns of consumption are not sustainable in the long term. Although this problem appears to be unique to the 21st century, these concerns are not new.” (Hill)

The wood industry is on its last breath as the last 10 million trees remaining on the world’s forest are being harvested for its wood. If sustainable wood processing technique is not found or developed that would rely heavily on processed wood. The wood industry will die as a trade.


Wood processing is the only industry that directly damages the environment. The raw material itself comes from lumber and in order to obtain lumber, trees will have to come down affecting countless species that lives in the tree. Recycled woods are basically used wood chips that are mixed with resins in order to create another board, plank or even stick.

However, wood processing needs to be exact and consistent because of safety considerations required of what is produced by wood processing. But in terms of consistency that can produce an exact configuration of the required strength and aesthetic vital in the use of wood recycled wood can deliver. This thesis will fill the gap in terms of information that will hopefully increase the use of recycled wood in wood processing.


Hill, Callum. Wood Modification Chemical, Thermal and other Processes. California: Wiley and Sons Inc., 2006. Hardbound Book.

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