Article Writing Homework Help

Questions Answer the following questions in relation to the case study. Assume that the audience for your responses is senior level management, who do not have a strong technical background. The word


Answer the following questions in relation to the case study. Assume that the audience for your responses is senior level management, who do not have a strong technical background. The word limit for this assessment item is 750 words.

1. Describe the incident that occurred, using both the MITRE ATT&CK framework and the ACSC threat lifecycle to frame your description.

2. Correlate the characteristics of the incident with reference to relevant statistics (for example, from the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report). Describe the motivation and capabilities of the attacker(s).

3. Discuss the impact of the incident both in technical and business terms. Your discussion of the business impact should consider confidentiality, integrity and availability.

4. Propose and justify potential mitigations for this type of attack. Include consideration of people, process and technology factors.

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