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I need some assistance with these assignment. spurgeon, heir of the puritans ernest w. bacon Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. spurgeon, heir of the puritans ernest w. bacon Thank you in advance for the help! Spurgeon was finally converted into a servant of God in a small corner church. He later became an apprentice preacher and hence began his preaching career of the Spurgeon, which would later change the world. He was a profound speaker, from his youth and was destined for London in a matter of time. He was made the permanent preacher at New Park Street Chapel since the people quickly liked his preaching and lessons. (Bacon 79) He also met his wife there, whom they got married on January 8, 1856. His congregation grew so large, that they had to build a church that would accommodate them together in a single church service. After a few years of trying, they finally build the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Crowds upon crowds congregated to hear Charles. it was because of his sincerity, straightforwardness and the influence of the Holy Spirit that Spurgeon possessed.

As his popularity grew, his opposition also grew. jealous ministers ridiculed Spurgeon as he preached the gospel. His contempt grew through the newspaper, by publishing funny cartoons that downed him and his church. Spurgeon made no comment about the blurred image of him that appeared on the papers but knew deep down in his mind, the almighty would one day justify him. On September 20, 1856, his wife gave birth to twins whom they named, Charles and Thomas. (Bacon 89) His wife made him tense since she was deprived of health but always supported Charles in his ministries. She later died on October 22, 1903. He was laid to rest in the same grave as his wife. Long after his death, his followers grew large in places where he had visited during his ministries. His sermons were published by the deacons of the church, Passmore, and Alabaster. They published a lot of sermons in which they sold nearly one hundred million copies and translated them into many languages. (Bacon 98)

Although Charles was not that well educated, he was well-read. He had read many books of the puritans, his main book being the bible. Through the bible and the book of the puritans, Spurgeon formed his theology and that led him to become the Heir of the Puritans. Puritanism was the beginning of men, in lethal solemn about the significance of the soul, the ruling of God, and gratifying the lord. They were Christ-centered men who opposed evil deeds that would lead man to commit sin. He strongly believed in the Word of God, attainment of Christ, holiness, the work of the Holy Spirit, perseverance of saints and the come-back of the Lord. Through his later life, he met some controversy concerning baptism, a question of one being baptized by faith than by water.


Charles Spurge was a man of hope, love, faith, and prayers. He was one of the utmost puritan preachers, whoever came to be and believed in praying continuous, without ceasing. He died on January 31, 1892, at the age of just 57. His tombstone is inscribed of his last words to his wife, about the work of his life serving his God. (Bacon 321) This book has taught me and the current generation, about the life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and the church of the puritans. Ernest W. Beacon has given us a wonderful perspective on the life of Spurgeon. This book is exceptional to any Christian looking for hope in their church. It serves as a constant reminder of the teachings of Spurgeon.

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