Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. the postcolonial writers and the concept of the nation Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. the postcolonial writers and the concept of the nation Thank you in advance for the help! Most postcolonial writers have brought out the aspect of disillusionment as the major characteristic that shrouded the notion of a nation after independence. The disillusionment is brought about by the failure to meet the expectation of the people by the new leaders that took over from the colonial masters. In many nations that were colonies of the western countries, the expectation was high among the members of the nations that change would affect their lives positively. The aftermath of the attainment of self-rule did not deliver the expected change and the result was a high level of frustration in the new governments. The level of disillusionment led to most writers of the same period believing that the notion of a nation had no meaning. The unity that led to the eviction of the colonialist has become a fictional idea. The new leadership used the term nation for purposes of unifying the people to get to power and start a looting or mismanagement process that led to the loss of faith in the idea of a nation. One author Homi K. Bhaba describes the notion of a nation as an impossible symbolically unifying force. It states that the concept of a nation is “An idea whose cultural compulsion lies in the impossible unity of the nation as a symbolic force” (Bhaba, 2). In the texts by Arma and Rushdie, the authors use narration and symbolism as a technique to voice this disappointment in the new nations. There is a significant difference though in the modality of explaining the disappointment in the nation within these texts. As shown from the preceding discussion it is evident that the authors of this time expressed a harsh criticism of the concept of the nation as used by the post-colonial leaders. Apart from this direct criticism, in literature, there is a host of the method of representing the ideas or concerns of criticism to the notion of a nation.

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