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Compose a 1500 words assignment on greek mythology in percy jackson and the olympians. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on greek mythology in percy jackson and the olympians. Needs to be plagiarism free! Grover is the one who brings Percy to Camp Half-Blood after his mother is taken. He also accompanies Percy on his quest to find Zeus’s master bolt. Annabeth Chase is a twelve-year-old and is the daughter of the goddess Athena. She has known about who she is since she was seven. She ends up tending to Percy after he runs into trouble, then goes with him and Grover on his quest. Chiron is another part of the protagonist group, being the Activity Director at Camp Half-Blood. At first, Percy knows him as his Latin teacher but comes to discover that he is half-horse and half-man. Luke Castellan is the antagonist of the story. He is the son of Hermes and original aids Percy when Percy discovers who he is. Unfortunately, Luke later betrays Percy when Percy finds himself in mortal peril. His true colors are then shown.

Despite being comprised solely of Greek mythology that took place in ancient Greece, the novel takes place in modern-day America. Though the story starts out somewhere along the east coast or in the midwest in a location that is never bluntly revealed, the majority of the novel takes place on the west coast in Los Angeles. The Underworld, the destination for the young protagonist group, is located under the Hollywood sign. The trio also finds trouble, new situations, and new characters while in Nashville, Tennessee and Las Vegas, Nevada. The majority of the story does take place in Los Angeles, but the end of the story takes place in New York City.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief is the first of a fantasy series that is based around Greek mythology. The story is about Percy, a young boy whose learning disabilities brings about strife for him and his family as Percy had been expelled from an array of schools.&nbsp.

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