Article Writing Homework Help

Write 6 pages with APA style on Core and Coordination of a Childs Brain. The curriculum is a hospital in which all students receive medical treatments under the supervision of a competent and skilled

Write 6 pages with APA style on Core and Coordination of a Childs Brain. The curriculum is a hospital in which all students receive medical treatments under the supervision of a competent and skilled doctor who is a teacher. Every patient receives different unique treatment depending on their ability to recover, this equals the children’s ability to understand and grasp the concept in class. The curriculum is inclusive of all students depending on whether they are fast or slow learners. A hospital receives several patients and puts them in different wards just as construction of curriculum intends to suit students at different grades and levels with an objective of making them learn gradually (Mellor, 2004). Medicine serves to treat the particular disease just as in curriculum, assignments, and illustrations helps to treat the particular a problem of a student and achieve the purpose of the curriculum. Curriculums allow the competent and skilled teacher to intervene in case of a problem just as a doctor solves patient’s problems in hospitals.

Key components of the microcycle teaching framework are. the four core concepts, the aims of practice and obligations of the professionals and the essential qualities brought to practice by the professionals. Microcycle teaching framework involves statement collection that creates a foundation for practice and a rationale used by professionals in children service. Children’s’ curriculum framework requires a broader relationship built as parents and the community share the responsibility of developing the child’s mind. Connection, relationship, and collaboration between the children parents and community helps build up a proper curriculum.

Distinctive schools of thoughts, government bodies – accrediting and regulating bodies define and determine what a particular profession is and what would&nbsp.constitute as professional practices within that profession.

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