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Write a 3 pages paper on crisis intervention: theories and principles of crisis intervention programs.

Write a 3 pages paper on crisis intervention: theories and principles of crisis intervention programs. hat occurs with blocking of his purposeful life ability with external factors, in relation to his personality (frustration) or internal causes, due to the growth, personal development and its transition to another life-cycle stage of development. According to such interpretation, the crisis is experienced by every person. Nowadays the range of conditions related to crisis and requiring psychotherapeutic assistance is quite wide. They primarily include crises, accompanied by pathological or non-pathological situational reaction, psychogenic, including neurotic reactions, neurotic depression, and psychopathic reaction.

The structure of stress reactions has three components: affective, cognitive and behavioral. The the affective component is the experience of emotional isolation and hopelessness of the situation. The most common modalities are reactions of affect, depression, boredom, resentment. In some cases there is apathy, a sense of powerlessness, desire for solitude.

1. the nature of urgent help, related, firstly, to the presence of a problem for the patient requiring the immediate active intervention, and secondly, with the expressed needs of the patient in the area an empathic support.

3. search and training of the ways, used to resolve the current interpersonal conflict, which increase the level of social and psychological adaptation, providing personal growth, increasing frustration tolerance.

By its nature, the crisis intervention programs are close to cognitive-behavioral therapy and consist of three phases: crisis support, crisis interference and increase the level of adaptation required to resolve a conflict situation. Individual therapeutic program are applied differentially depending on the relevance of crisis feelings. At the stage of crisis intervention the correction of psychotherapeutic contract is made with the production of therapeutic tasks, allowing changing the attitude to the crisis.

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