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Write 14 pages with APA style on International Business Environment. The author of the research essay “International Business Environment ” analyses cheap asian economies and concludes that in a nutsh

Write 14 pages with APA style on International Business Environment. The author of the research essay “International Business Environment ” analyses cheap asian economies and concludes that in a nutshell, the company can plan to expand its business on the Indian soil, as the opportunities are way stronger than the challenges there. Since India being a thick populated country with a growing economy currently, there is enough room for foreign companies to invest and bring business in India. However, the competitive automotive market in the country would ask the company to modify its cost and quality standards, as the automobile need description of the Indian market varies largely from the UK market. Considering facts of Indian market growth and the risk to opportunity ratio in the country, it can be recommended that the company should move ahead with the plan of going international by selecting the Indian soil. Cheap labor, low government taxes and a flourishing market for automotive in India makes it the best site to ensure speedy growth in revenue and reputation. The advanced and hi-tech machinery can be altered with less superior technology that can meet the quality and cost effective need of the country. Moreover, the company can first introduce its older models in the Indian industry to test and visualize the response of the people. By this technique, the company would be able to forecast its future in its industry without spending more in its inventory and designing procedures. Therefore, the step to move towards Indian automotive industry is affirmative.

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