Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. articel summary Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. articel summary Thank you in advance for the help! Summary and Reflection of Article In this article, Hyunwoo Park discusses an experiment conducted by Office of Waterworks Seoul Metropolitan Government& test the tap water, Arisu in Korea. In this study, tap water from a 25 year old apartment building in Seoul was tested. The tap water came from pipes that was connected to a large water tank. These pipes were often rusty which is quite a common occurrence in the country and thus this tap water can generalize for the rest of Korea. A variety of test equipment was used for the study. The results concluded that tap water is safe in the particular apartment building. However, the article discusses other apartment buildings were tap water was not safe for drinking. and even washing.

In my opinion, one apartment building cannot speak for the entire country. In order to reach a conclusive finding, the government officials should have taken into consideration 10 buildings. There are many instances where tap water in Korea has been found to be unsafe for drinking. This shows that there is a problem with tap water in Korea. Also taking another angle in perspective, we can say that the problem does not lie with the management of water in Korea. The water board is effectively managing the water because if an old building in Korea receives safe water, then the entire country receives safe water because water is coming from the same reservoir. It is within the apartment building that the problem is occurring. This study is the beginning and can form the basis for more studies in the field. A positive beginning has been recorded. Only when more research is conducted, can solutions be derived. Thus, this article records a positive step in the right direction. We can expect improvements in the future with respect to this issue.

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