Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 8 pages paper on cost and benefits of deferred giving. “Whereas lands, goods (and) money have been given as by sundry other &nbsp.well-disposed persons, some for the relief of aged and poo

Write a 8 pages paper on cost and benefits of deferred giving. “Whereas lands, goods (and) money have been given as by sundry other &nbsp.well-disposed persons, some for the relief of aged and poor persons, some for the maintenance of sick and maimed soldiers and mariners, schools of learning, free schools and scholars in universities, some for repair of bridges, ports, causeways, churches, sea-banks and highways, some for education and preferment of orphans, some for or towards relief or maintenance of houses of correction, some for marriages of poor maids, some for aid and help of young tradesmen, which lands, goods (and) money have not been employed according to the charitable intent of the givers and founders thereof, by reason of frauds, breach of trust and negligence in those that should pay (and) deliver same.”

“Charity in its legal sense comprises four principal divisions: trusts for the relief of poverty, trust for the advancement of education, trusts for the advancement of religion, and trusts for other purposes beneficial to the community, not falling under any of the preceding heads.”

In this essay, I would like to establish that the concepts of charities are still very much relevant to our present society as the four heads mentioned in the Pemsel case is still very much relevant to the present times. In some countries that adopted the preamble3, they expand the law to include such other groups and entities, which may need the assistance afforded by the Statutes. However, the Statutes of Charitable Uses is self-limiting and there is a need to expand the coverage thereof in response to modern times. Thus, the concept of Charities evolved into new Charities, Bill.

In order to understand better this evolution of the application of the law, let us look at the four areas covered by the Elizabethan law and see how these concepts have evolved over time4 and how our case law affected the evolution thereof.

Relief of poverty is one of the noblest tasks of mankind to help each other. Under the Elizabethan law, there were two forms of relief, which was set up, one is the outdoor relief.

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