Article Writing Homework Help

Write 10 pages with APA style on Origins of Modern Museum. Some museums specialize in artworks of one period. For example, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City displays works created since the la

Write 10 pages with APA style on Origins of Modern Museum. Some museums specialize in artworks of one period. For example, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City displays works created since the late 1800s. Other museums exhibit only one type of art. The Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico, for example, specializes in folk art from around the world.

Many art museums also have special exhibits. They borrow works of art from individuals or other museums for such exhibits, which usually last several weeks.

History Museums

They illustrate the life and events of the past. Their collections include documents, furniture, tools, and other materials. Many cities and states have historical societies that operate history museums. Most of these museums have exhibits on local history.

Other types of history museums include living history museums. Museums of this type include living history farms, historic houses, and historic villages. These museums show how people lived or worked during a certain period. On living history farms, workers demonstrate how crops were planted and harvested in earlier times. Historic houses, such as Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home near Alexandria, Virginia, have been restored to their original condition and are open to the public. Williamsburg, a historic village in Virginia, has restored and reconstructed buildings that date from the 1700s. In this village, costumed interpreters demonstrate how early colonists performed such tasks as cooking, making shoes, and printing newspapers.

Science Museums

Such museums have exhibits on the natural sciences and technology. Museums of natural history exhibit displays of animals, fossils, plants, rocks, and other objects and organisms found in nature. Most of them, including the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., has exhibits on ecology and the evolution of human beings. Many museums of natural history have special exhibits on dinosaurs and other topics.

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