Article Writing Homework Help

Need an research paper on the link between poverty and teenage gang culture. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the link between poverty and teenage gang culture. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. Over the past decade, there has been a strong connection between poverty and teenage gang culture. It expanding its geographical territory and the gang violence is becoming a huge problem in the society. This group of young people are engaged in various criminal activities like graffiti, drug dealings, violence etc. The teenagers of the gang are having ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The teenage gang culture started in the 17th century in Britain. There are many factors involved in motivating and influencing the poor teenager to get involved in these criminal activities. The aim of doing research on this topic is to discuss and find the link between poverty and teenage gang culture.


Research is mainly of two types. One is primary and another one is secondary. This research on this topic of teenage gang culture and poverty is done on the basis of secondary data. Both quantitative and qualitative research work has been done here. Relevant information is derived from different books and journals. Study of various websites is done for gathering secondary data. Primary research is done on the basis of raw data which are directly extracted from people by conducting interviews, filling up questioners, observations etc. here primary research is not done because it is very much time consuming. Moreover the target market of this topic is vast and located in different places. Therefore it becomes difficult to extract data from individuals in many cases. The main filter applied for this research paper is based on the countries. Secondary data from different westernized countries are used in this paper. I have got nine relevant sources for this topic which had described the link between poverty and teenage gang culture. The youth crime is a social problem which has become an important part of the gang culture. The young people who are not employed and do not have proper education provokes the antisocial activities.

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