Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Case Analysis. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Case Analysis. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. NASCAR NASCAR began during the 1920s and the 1930s as mere competitive races, but progressed into races that people world-round watch by the millions. NASCAR grew as more people took an interest in it, and as more sponsors started helping with the costs. Even to this day, NASCAR is growing more than ever, taking on more sponsors, as well as taking on more fans. Money is still being gathered together with the help of these sponsors to help support the growth of NASCAR, which includes setting up more racing tracks around the nation, with the possibility of one in New York.

The strengths and weaknesses of NASCAR go hand-in-hand, as often overlap each other. The biggest weakness is trying to make everyone happy. While Brian France wants to do one thing, his sponsors and other people in power, such as those at Nextel and ISC, want something completely different. The larger argument is that NASCAR is now being treated as though it were a source of entertainment, something that Brian claims is true. However, he is treating it as such for the sakes of the audience and fans.

The external environment of NASCAR involves sponsors, fans, Nextel, and ISC. These are the groups and individual people that have the power to make things happen, as well as the power to stop other things from taking place. They are the ones to supply the money and the tracks. The fans play a large role, considering there would be no NASCAR if there were not people to watch and cheer the racers on.

Brian France is the person whom the responsibilities of NASCAR were passed down to, after his father, Bill Jr., gave them up himself. All of the decisions to be made are now in the hands of Brian, as well as his sponsors and the company that is attached to NASCAR, ISC. There is much controversy between Brian and the others that are helping him out. constant debates are arising in regards to what there next steps should be concerning spreading NASCAR. Brian sees expanding the locations of races and the companies that broadcast them as benefiting the audience and fans, while his company believes he is in it for his own publicity, as well as for personal monetary benefits.

As the costs go up to maintain the racing tracks, as well as the team, equipment, and other goods to keep the races running, Brian must convince his sponsors and companies to keep spending. To do this, Brian must convince them of his intentions, and prove to them that it is not for personal gain. Another thing that needs to be considered is that there are other tracks already available. it is just a matter of getting permission to use them. This has been successful, for the most part, for the fact that Brian is using publicity to help those that own the tracks (which are usually family-owned).

Running a successful business and source of entertainment such as NASCAR is a very difficult feat that must be tended to with the utmost care. Brian France is seeing to it that this is what is done, while trying to keep his sponsors, company, and racers together in the same agreements and plans.

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