Article Writing Homework Help

  The responses for the self-assessment tests should be written using a combination of the “assert and defend” style in a three OR five paragraph essay. Think like a lawyer. Assert an argument or thes

  The responses for the self-assessment tests should be written using a combination of the “assert and defend” style in a three OR five paragraph essay. Think like a lawyer. Assert an argument or thesis AND prove or defend it.  Remember to use appropriate references to support your work. 

references must from the book

Take a close look at the information about you related to the U of M leadership style, the OSU leadership style, the Leadership Grid style, and the LMP. Think about how the data in this self-assessment test relate to each other. Are there some “take-aways” in increased knowledge for you?

In a one-page (maximum) argument, explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Three for additional information regarding this self-assessment test.  Make at least three assertions about the meaning(s) of this self-assessment test to you and support them with example(s). Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument.

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