Article Writing Homework Help

India: this is a very good working rough draft discussing this article: Kwame Anthony Appiah.  “How The Future Will Judge Us.” APA citation and References page look good. Do see any minor grammar/punc

India: this is a very good working rough draft discussing this article: Kwame Anthony Appiah.  “How The Future Will Judge Us.”

APA citation and References page look good. Do see any minor grammar/punctuation to review.

Rhetorical Analysis

India Valdez


South University 

Rhetorical Analysis

“How the Future Will Judge Us[BL1] ” is an article written by Kwame Appiah. The author, in his article, states and explains four significant practices that the future will choose to judge the present society (Appiah, 2010) . These[BL2]  practices consist of the isolated and institutionalized elderly, the environment, the prison structure, and the industrial production of meat. To convince and persuade the readers, the writer uses rhetorical strategies that comprise pathos, logos, and ethos (Seyler & A.Brizee). The following essay expounds on how Appiah uses these rhetorical devices to convince the audience as to how the current society will be judged in the future based on the four practices he talks about in his article.[BL3] 

          Research has revealed that a significant number of prisoners in the United States, according to numerous psychologists, have been incarcerated under conditions that amount to suffering. Nevertheless, people tend to ward off such facts from their eyes (Appiah, 2010). There have been many debates against factory farming cruelty over the years. Individuals who consume factory-farmed chicken or bacon shy away from the stomach-turning tales concerning the activities that take place within the industrial slaughterhouses.

          In a world where nearly everyone has a job outside their home, keeping the elderly and their kids closer has come to be a challenge (Appiah, 2010). As such, one can only question if indeed the western modernity has amounted to a society that feels no family obligation to these inconvenient elders. The society’s wasteful approach toward the world’s ecology and natural resources is also a significant basis of condemnation in the future (Seyler & A.Brizee). In spite of being aware of the damage done by practices such as pollution, the [BL4] emission of greenhouse gases, overfishing, deforestation and wetland destruction, the society is inclined to avert their eyes from these practices.

Ethos is utilized in essays to obtain the trust of the readers in addition to exhibiting an understanding of the issue under discussion. In this article, Appiah incorporates ethos wherein he explains that his mother spent her final fifty years living in Ghana, where she was visited daily by her Ghanaian family who lived next door (Appiah, 2010).  As such, the writer’s mother had the benefit of living in a society wherein the elderly were treated with concern and respect (Seyler & A.Brizee). The utilization of ethos reveals that Appiah understands of the isolation of the elderly, which ultimately acquires the reader’s trust. Logos is used in writings to convince writers through the use of reason or logic by stating evidence comprising facts, authority, and precedents (Seyler & A.Brizee). In his essay, Appiah says that prisoners constitute 25% of the US population, and over 100,000 of these prisoners suffer sexual abuse such as rape every year. The author states these facts to show the reasoning behind the torture within the prison system (Appiah, 2010). Pathos is utilized to engage the emotions of the readers. The use of pathos by Appiah is revealed where he joins the audience [BL5] to picture their grandchildren seeing a picture in which cattle are surrounded by heaps of their feces as their nostrils are filled with the smell of their urine in overcrowded shelters that encompass numerous diseases.

          In conclusion, Appiah appeals to emotion and appeal are effective in convincing and persuading a reader concerning the allegations of condemnation of the present society in the future based on the four practices which comprise isolated and institutionalized elderly, the environment, the prison structure, and the industrial production of meat.



Appiah, K. A. (2010). How the Future Will Judge Us. The Washingtonpost, 1-3.

Seyler, D., & A.Brizee. (n.d.). Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader. New York: McGrwaw Hill.

[BL1]add quote marks to article title 

[BL2]APA citation looks good 

[BL3]good focused statement to begin your paper discussion 

[BL4]good observations of our world

[BL5]good discussion of  logos, ethos and pathos

[BL6]good closing paragraph 

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