Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Business Brief. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Business Brief. It needs to be at least 500 words. BUSINESS BRIEF al Affiliation) Why Mummy Can’t Get Ahead This is an article that was published in November, by Sheelah Kolhatkar. It major describes issues ascribed to inequality in regard to wages between men and women. The article highlights victories that were made by women during the election year of 2012. the author asserts that women were a decisive factor in the elections that were held in that year as approximately 52% of women voters voted for President Barrack Obama while approximately 44% of women voters voted for Mitt Romney.

One of the major issues noted by the author is the manner through, which political leaders perceive the challenges experienced by women due to the inequality in relation to their payments. Sheelah points out the reason why many women voted for President Obama. this is majorly due to his perception towards solving this issue.

The author goes further and describes various issues that have contributed to the high level of discrimination in relation to gender, especially when it comes to making payments in places of employments. Some of these challenges are ascribed to the gender oriented roles that are majorly carried out by women for example: Taking care of children more often as compared to men, taking care of elderly persons as well as performance of more domestic households. Another issue pointed out in the article is that women have become an imperative aspect of the workforce in the United States of America, but are still awarded less wages as compared to male counterparts.

Possible Implications of these Issues on Our Virtual Business

Our Virtual Business is a bookshop where people leave their books and we sell on their behalf after, which we give them the money after taking a percentage of the total sales. Issues ascribed to gender discrimination and inequality affect many companies both local and multi-national companies. Our business will have employees charged with different responsibilities and they shall be subject to remuneration in relation to the financial policies of the Company. Gender equality is an issue that has been advocated for decades and companies are currently guided by rules and regulations that restrict discrimination in regard to gender, sexual orientation et cetera (Lindsey & Christy, 2012). Our company is focused towards ensuring that both employees are equally treated and remunerated in regard to their roles and specific duties. However, in the case that the company fails to take this issue into consideration, it may face tough legal actions and even create a negative image among our clients. That is most clients are sensitive to issues ascribed to discrimination and usually shift their loyalties to companies they feel observe and respect gender equality.


The 2012 United States’ presidential elections was a major victory for women, especially those that voted for President Barrack Obama on the fact the he is best suited to handle gender discrimination in places of work. There are several factors that have been attributed to discrimination between Women and men facilitating increased differences with regard to salaries and wages for example women tend to spend more time with their children as compared to men. However, governments play an important role in protecting the rights of women especially in their places of employment. Gender discrimination affects the performance of companies that do not adhere to provision of equal opportunities to men and women: In some cases, they may face legal suits as well as negative publicity among their clients.


Cohn, S. (2000). Race and gender discrimination at work. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.

DeBiaggi, S. D. (2002). Changing gender roles Brazilian immigrant families in the U.S.. New York: LFB Scholarly Pub..

Kolhatkar, S. (2012, November 15). Why Mommy Cant Get Ahead. Bloomberg Business Week. Retrieved March 21, 2014, from

Lee, J. W., & Ashcraft, A. M. (2005). Gender roles. New York: Nova Biomedical Books.

Lindsey, L. L., & Christy, S. (2012). Gender roles: a sociological perspective. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Nelson, R. L., & Bridges, W. P. (1999). Legalizing gender inequality courts, markets, and unequal pay for women in America. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press.

Noon, M., & Ogbonna, E. (2001). Equality, diversity and disadvantage in employment. Houndmills, Basingstoke, England: Palgrave.

Stainback, K., & Devey, D. (2012). Documenting desegregation: racial and gender segregation in private sector employment since the Civil Rights Act. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

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