Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Leadership as an Essential Part of Modern Society.

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Leadership as an Essential Part of Modern Society. Take an instance of a family. it is the role of my father to ensure that the family is well taken care of. Among others, he has to ensure that the family is healthy. In addition, he has to provide for the family. Despite the fact that my mother assists in this role, I must say that as the head of the family, my father does a pretty good job. He is also responsible for ensuring that, we, as His children, have access to quality education. This is also an area that he has been able to tackle very well. In as much as it is a requirement by the government I still feel that he is able to manage this role just fine. With all said and done, he is also a role model for the whole family.

The president also serves a similar task as a father only that this time it is at the national level. At this level, some roles of leadership like role modeling may not be possible (Kouzes, and Barry 32). In addition, we don’t get to interact with the president on a day to day basis. I consider President Obama to be a good leader in so many aspects. Taking a look at his historical achievements, Obama has among others been able to bring an end to Al Qaeda through the killing of Osama bin Laden as well as Libya’s dictatorship. This can be considered to be great achievements by the president.

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