Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on White collar and corporate crimes. It needs to be at least 3250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on White collar and corporate crimes. It needs to be at least 3250 words. According to Edwin Sutherland, a researcher who studied the particular subject for many years, the term corporate crime is used for reflecting the ‘criminal activity of persons high social status and in the context of their profession’ (Sutherland 1939, cited in Simpson, 2002, p.6). From another point of view, white-collar crime has been related strictly to business, being considered as the violation of rules that regulate business activities, and not of rules related to other sectors (Geis, 2006, p.176). The specific issue has been considered as of critical importance due to the following fact: the recent financial crisis, of 2008, has severely affected economic activities worldwide. The crisis has been caused mostly because of the lack of effective control on the corporate governance practices of firms in the financial services sector. However, it has been made clear that many firms that controlled a major part of the global market were unable to monitor the activities of their CEO’s. In other words, white collar and corporate crimes had a key role in the crisis of 2008.

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