Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the lasting dutch influence in new york.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the lasting dutch influence in new york. The British had already created a small settlement at Jamestown while the French had settled at Quebec and the Spaniards had started colonizing South America. At this point in time, the Dutch formed the Dutch East India Company to take up the colonization of India. They hired a British sailor and explorer named Henry Hudson who wanted to find a sea route to India from the North West. He sailed on his ship called Halve Maen and explored the regions of Newfoundland and the Cape Cod regions. Avoiding Jamestown, he sailed to the south of the river named Chesapeake and then sailed into the narrow regions of the present-day Upper New York Bay. Hudson thought that there would be the route through the continent and sailed by a river that was named later as Hudson River. Hudson found the narrow too narrow for a safe crossing and he turned back and returned to the Netherlands after claiming all the territories in the name of Netherlands. The lands he had discovered were fertile, filled with game and wild animals whose fur could be harvested and sold as a pelt. The land had abundant food and settlers could easily live off the land. The Dutch made their settlements in the present-day Manhattan and named the region as New Netherlands and the capital was called New Amsterdam. This was the first beginning of New York but the name was changed later when the British took over the region (Wroth, 1970).

The Dutch government floated a company called the New Netherlands Company and it was awarded the right to carry out a trade for three years. The company established a small colony and undertook the survey of the Delaware region. A number of small trading posts were formed in the region and these posts had a few soldiers who guarded the outpost and helped the traders who traded with the peaceful local Indians. There were about 110 tradesmen, apprentices, craftsmen and soldiers in the post.&nbsp.


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