Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Gender wage gap discrimination in Canada, ontario and how it affects women especially, immigrant women.. It needs to be at least 2750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Gender wage gap discrimination in Canada, ontario and how it affects women especially, immigrant women.. It needs to be at least 2750 words. Despite the efforts of the international labour organization and the human rights commission to fight against wage differences across genders, this problem still persists. Research shows that wage balance is one way of empowering the economy by providing equal chances for every person in the society to develop. While some analytics argue that wage gap is a result of difference in education level across genders, this paper argues that wage gap is a form of discrimination.

The gender wage gap in Ontario has been a controversial issue since early 1980s when this difference was noted. Cornish and Faraday (2008) noted that women salary for equal position in Ontario is 29% below that of women indicating a wide salary gap across the gender boundaries. A close look at the wage gap trends indicates that there has only been slight improvement in the last 25 years despite the numerous efforts to close this gap. In 1987, before the emergence of wage gap activists, the wage gap was approximately 37% in Ontario. These trends indicate that the efforts to bring down the gap have been undermined and the gap remains wide. Cornish (2009) points out the wage gap has affected aboriginal women who have migrated to Ontario in search for a job. This trend in the Ontario employment sector is a matter that has attracted a lot of attention not only from the public but also to the women right activists as many feel that there is a need for equal pay across all gender as part of diversity management. Cornish and Faraday (2008) point out that the wage gap difference is a matter of urgency that must be addressed to fight gender oppression in the society.

Wages gap analysts have come up with myriad argument on the cause of wage gap across gender in Canada, Ontario. A good number of them argue that the education difference in Ontario is the major reason why there is wage gap in this society.

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