Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses the impact of migration on the hotel industry in bucharest.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses the impact of migration on the hotel industry in bucharest. The hotel industry in Romania is as dependent on tourists as it is dependent on the workforce and the amount of unskilled labor. In fact, the hotel industry is largely dependent on unskilled or low skilled labor comprising of cleaners, hotel supervising staff, clerks, security and doormen, concierge staff, taxi drivers, car drivers, bus drivers, waiters and waitresses, kitchen staff, room service staff, gym and spa low skilled staff, unskilled staff for other services and facilities related to tours, travels or the hotel. There is a great need for unskilled labor across Romania, especially as the government tries to develop the hotel and tourism industry. However due to Romania’s unstable economy, the development of the tourism industry has been slow and apart from finances and investment, in terms of the workforce and development of human resources is also an area that the government needs to focus on. In order to make this possible, the government has to make sure that there is an ample amount of human resources or workforce available and this is possible by putting a check to or at least monitoring migration of unskilled workers from Romania to neighboring European nations. This study highlights the role of the unskilled workers, the necessity of more labor within the hotel and tourism industry of Bucharest and the state of the tourism and hotel industry in Romania. The study shows whether the hotel/travel industry is looking up or there are faint prospects for the industry in the near future due to several reasons such as unstable and bad economy, mass migration of workers and poor infrastructure and management in Romania.

An examination of the visitors and tourism at the Black Sea resorts in Romania highlighted the role and importance of foodservice and the differences in satisfaction levels of regional groups. There were however significant differences revealed in the perception of tourist groups for issues related to value for money, quality of food, number of dishes and presentation of food and speed of service. This paper by Nield et al (2000) suggested that food service is an important contributor to tourist satisfaction with a difference in satisfaction levels between European and Romanian tourists.

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