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I will pay for the following article #2 Religion Reflection Assignment on a reading by Scarboro and Luck called The Goddess and Power (Reading material is uploaded). The work is to be 2 pages with thr

I will pay for the following article #2 Religion Reflection Assignment on a reading by Scarboro and Luck called The Goddess and Power (Reading material is uploaded). The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The Goddess and Power: Witchcraft and Religion in America A Reading Reflection In The Goddess and Power: Witchcraft and Religion in America Scarboro and Luck posit that while the religious diversity in today’s America is growing quite rapidly, religions like Wicca have ameliorated into a strong social and religious force. The appeal of Wicca religion lies in many of its unique characteristics including its this-worldly approach, its feministic worshipping practices, and its opportunities for participative immersion. Wicca beliefs seem unique because it emphasises only upon the mundane world instead of warning its practitioners about the threats posed by the world hereafter.

The researcher has written this reflection keeping in mind two major questions. The discussion therefore focuses on exploration of the answers for the following two questions:

1. What can be the implications or alternative responses to the situation or topic addressed?

2. What other issues (besides what is explicit in the reading) does this reading bring to mind?

While thinking about the first question the researcher discovered that the exposition of the paper makes a reader indulge into reflective mode since the reader is compelled to question what the real objective of the authors could be in writing this paper. It appears as if the author would discuss the emergence of religious diversity in order to show the accommodative, liberal and diverse nature of the American religious arena. However, the terms “religious plethora” “pagan ceremonies” and “radical” (Scarboro and Luck, 69) used in the second paragraph bear negative connotation for beliefs like Wicca and Witchcraft and seem to belittle the value of these beliefs in the very onset. This implies that the authors consider all such religious practices somewhat alien to the mainstream America belief systems. The research questions brought forward by the authors – “What is the appeal of witchcraft to contemporary Americans?” and “What does Wicca offer to the wider American religious tradition?” (69) – also implicate alienation, separation and distancing of these religious beliefs form the authors’ own beliefs. The wording and terminology used here could look more convincing if the authors had used more neutral language.

The discussion also implies that the attributes of Wicca religion and the Witches’ attack on Christian beliefs make the readers assume that Wicca Witches are insolently bold and believe in personal and communal freedom. The words like “distant, stern, judging, vengeful [.

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