Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Traditional Models of Leadership Are Challenged in the Wake of Globalization. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines fou

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Traditional Models of Leadership Are Challenged in the Wake of Globalization. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Leadership is regarded as the process of organising groups of people in the process of attaining set goals and objectives. The studies of leadership have been effective in the development of various theories and traits, which have been applied in various contexts. They include power, values, vision, charisma, functional behavior and intelligence among others. It is important to understand that amidst all these, effective leadership in institutions and organisations should consider the welfare of all people.

It should inspire confidence and motivation to achieve certain goals and objectives, in this case, people often appreciate effective leaders as those that put the welfare of others and the organisations they work for first before their own. In the recent past, traditional models of leadership have been facing challenges from modern developments in human societies and modes of life (Alan, Daly & Moolenaar 2010, 26). For instance, globalization and the ever-growing trends in international marketing have been the chief factors challenging most of the long-held traditional models of leadership. This paper examines the influence of globalisation and the growing trends in international markets on the various traditional forms of leadership that have happened in business organization and other systems of life.

In the past, many organisations have used traditional models of leadership in the process of understanding their business environment and achieving competitive advantages. While it was has been successful in various ways, the concept has been facing many criticisms because of its inability to address the emerging challenges being brought about by various changes in the modern workplace.

It is important to note that in recent decades, there has been an increase in the use of information and technology in the process of achieving personal&nbsp.

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