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Need an research paper on diversity defenders. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on diversity defenders. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. Winston Churchill is credited with having said, “A young man who is not a liberal, is a man without a heart. A man over 40 who is not a conservative, is a man without a brain.” Whether or not Churchill said this is irrelevant, but it does reflect on the fact that political ideology is not fixed, and that it, like our personality and behavior, is affected by our perceptions at certain ages. This brief essay looks at what causes people to lean towards one, or the other as an affiliation.

Adrian Furham and Patrick Heaven (1999) examine personality types and say that the perception of most people is that according to personality theories, it is impossible to be a “liberal” or “conservative” personality type.

“Rather, one is conservative or radical in a tough-minded or a tender-minded way (Eysenck and Wilson, 1978). Thus one may hold tough-minded conservative or tender-minded conservative views, but these are qualitatively quite different from each other. Whereas the former may include attitudes such as Martians should be prohibited from owning property, the latter could include such attitudes as abolish Sunday observance or abolish religion. Brand explained the Eysenckian position thus: What the racist and the radical, the Fascist and the Communist, lacked in the similarity of their opinions, they made up in intractability, insensitivity, and impoliteness (Brand, 1981, p.12) (Durham and Heaven, 113).”&nbsp.Neither group is without flaws. If one tries to frame oneself snugly within either group, it becomes less effective, has a less utilitarian impact. It is the reason why we have two parties, liberals and conservatives, because together, and in a system that requires their actions to come together, we often find that we get the best of both worlds.

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