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Write 7 pages with APA style on The Depiction of the Life of Abraham in the Old Testament.

Write 7 pages with APA style on The Depiction of the Life of Abraham in the Old Testament. Within the Genesis depiction of the life of Abraham and his covenant with God, Genesis 22 is the pivotal moment. It is not the concluding tale of Abraham, because there remain two more narratives in which he characterizes. For, however, his payment for a burial site for Sarah predicts his own death and burial, and in the sustained length of the story of the procurement of a wife for Isaac, the emphasis moves away from Abraham himself to Abraham’s loyal servants, these narratives give out a form of decreasing loudness and prepare for the plot to continue from Abraham (Moberly, 2000). Genesis 22 is the narrative of the final encounter and the final conversation between Abraham and God, and its substance centers on the character of the relationship between Abraham and God.

I am personally drawn to Abraham since elsewhere in scripture Abraham is well-known not with the common honorific designations such as ‘man of God’ or ‘servant of Yahweh’ but with a noteworthy title ‘friend of God’, which indicates a bond with God of the most favorable form, a genuine, and shared life-improving relationship. To be certain, a number of meanings of ‘friend of God’ are perhaps to be because of a modern interpretation of friendship and as well as to a number of established uses. The Hebrew action word employed of Abraham in Isaiah 41:8 is ‘ahav’, an action word traditionally understood ‘love’ (ibid, 71) which may have a broad array of meaning. Yet rabbinic custom is probably to be close to the mark when it relates Abraham’s ‘ahav’ with the Shema, or the digest declaration of Israel’s faith, in which Israel’s answer to God, which is to be preserved and observed through compliance to Torah, is portrayed as love. Thus, one means of interpreting “You shall love Yahweh” in Deuteronomy 6:5 is “Be like Abraham” (Moberly, 2000, 71). It is common to assume that the pivotal incident in the narrative of Abraham’s walk with God reflects their covenant with particular transparency.


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