Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 2250 words assignment on need for reform in albany. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2250 words assignment on need for reform in albany. Needs to be plagiarism free! The old grievance about legislative dysfunction in Albany has given rise to the call of ethics reform. In the last ten years, there are numerous members from the New York State Legislature who were indicted, convicted, while others pleaded guilty in cases connected to corruption. Most of the cases that were brought up against these members were based on honest services fraud. According to experts, the numerous cases of misconduct are a clear indication that reforms are urgently required in Albany (Medina).

Although there are numerous cases of corruption in Albany, the most pointed cases have been in the legislature. In a recent scandal, the senators from Buffalo state George Maziarz as well as Patrick Gallivan purportedly spent $ 140,000 and $ 80,000 respectively in time they were in office. In this particular case, the problem was not in the spending of the money itself but the fact that they did not find it fit to report their expenditures. Apart from Senators’ George Maziarz and Patrick Gallivan being investigated, the now-defunct Moreland Commission was also investigating state Sen. Diane Savino of Staten Island for alleged mismanaging of campaign funds. These two cases are a clear indication of the rot in the state’s Legislature (Frisch).

In light of the corruption allegations within the state, Governor Cuomo set up the Moreland Commission (now defunct) to address the allegations. The power to form this commission comes from the Moreland Act, a legislation that gives the Governor the authority to set up a panel to look at waste in the government and to come up with recommendations for reforms. Upon setting up the committee, Attorney General Schneiderman offered to deputize the commission something that bolstered its powers. This was because his presence had accorded the commission a wider legal reach than the current powers that were contained in the Moreland Act (Medina).

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