Article Writing Homework Help

Write 8 pages with APA style on Decision making process in business. In well known case Donogue VS Stevenson * the Court decided that the manufacturer is liable for the act done because everybody owes

Write 8 pages with APA style on Decision making process in business. In well known case Donogue VS Stevenson * the Court decided that the manufacturer is liable for the act done because everybody owes a duty of reasonable care to their neighbour.In this case Mrs. Donogue made a valid claim that her continuous illness is due to the consumption of drink in which the decomposed snail was found and it was due to the negligence of manufacturer Mr. Stevenson.

Now let’s discuss how the above said principles are applicable to the given cases and also we’ll advise the parties to the case that how can they resort to these principles to get the benefit of the Law.

Since the maintaining the activities of the park in a proper manner are the first and foremost duty of the local council as the maintainer of the park, it owes some duty towards others. The local council must take reasonable standard of care regarding the activities of the park so that it should not cause any harm to the passersby. In the famous case Boulton VS Stone** it was held that defendant should take reasonable care to avoid injuries.

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