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Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses impact of the oxford movement on religious life in england.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses impact of the oxford movement on religious life in england. The effects of the Oxford movement trickled down to the people of England starting from the Church of England itself and also to the Anglican Church in general. Some of the common names associated with the movement included John Newman, Richard Froude, and John Keble, etc. Their influences were felt in the spiritual and doctrinal levels.

Why the Oxford movement impacted upon religious life in England

The Oxford movement brought to the forefront some of the problems within the Church of England. One of the major forces that caused the movement occurred in the year 1832 where there was the passage of the Reform Act. This Act required that ten Irish bishops be eliminated from the Church. One of the major participants of the movement was John Keble. He voiced his objections against that reform and even described it as a form of apostasy by the nation. He voiced these complaints in a Sermon at Oxford during the year 1833.

Leaders within the movement were essential in reminding the people of England that there was a lot of liberalism within the Church of England. Some of the evils which they fought against included.

  1. immorality
  2. liberalism
  3. skepticism
  4. rationalism
  5. critical rationalism

The leaders of the Oxford movement felt that adherents to the Anglican faith were not as devoted as they should be to the church and the clergy. Standards of worship had declined and something needed to be done in order to change this. They also felt that tradition no longer formed a central part of worship and there was a need to return to that.

The movement protested against the involvement of the government in matters of the Church. This was highlighted in the famous sermon of 1833. Newman asserted that the church was a holy institution and as such should be left to run its own affairs without interruptions from external bodies. He also spoke against the way the government had ruined the apostolic succession principle which required that bishops should be succeeded in a religious and not a political manner.

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