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Write 1 page thesis on the topic geography. Key words Equator Intertropical Convergence Zone Latitude Hurricane Questions Task11. How did you determine where a low pressure system could be found on th

Write 1 page thesis on the topic geography. Key words Equator Intertropical Convergence Zone Latitude Hurricane Questions Task1

1. How did you determine where a low pressure system could be found on the map? What type of weather was characterized by these low pressure areas?

The Global pressure phenomenon normally varies with latitudes and the quantity of heat, which each section normally experiences. At the equator, there are high temperatures liable for heat up air, which becomes lighter prior moving towards the poles where it cools and sinks. Since, at the poles owing to low temperatures the pressures are high that normally reduces as the air shifts towards the equator where there is low-pressure zone and circle continues. Low-pressure regions normally have stormy and rainy seasons while the poles (high-pressure regions) fair dry/hot patterns.

2. Where is the intertropical convergence zone? Why is it here and what is occurring here weather wise?

It is at the equator between 300 N/S latitudes. It is a region where both cold air from the poles and present at the equator normally interact. replacing the lighter to move towards the North, hence Hadley cell.

Questions Task 2

1. What kind of air mass can be found at 30 degrees north of the equator? What climate type or is found at that location?

a. N.E and S.E Trade Winds (Found at 300 N/S)

b. Stormy wave climate

2. Based on this map alone do you think India is experiencing monsoons or dry weather?

According to the map, India experiences dry weather due to the falling dry air caused by Hadley cell.

Questions Task 3

1. Where do you think the winds are strongest in the hurricane and why?

The winds are strongest or intense at the hurricane’s eye.

Since this is the region of the strongest swirling force of the hurricane, which acts as its core driving power compared to the surrounding regions.

2. Is this a low or high pressure system?

The hurricane’s eye zone is a region of low pressure owing to high speed of swirling wind.

Work Cited

Mariners Learning System. Understanding Marine Weather – Global Circulations. 2010. Web. 15Th June 2012.

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