Article Writing Homework Help

Need help revising this small essay. Thanks for any feedback. It relates to why it is important to avoid implying

Need help revising this small essay. Thanks for any feedback. It relates to why it is important to avoid implying

offers or promises you cannot fulfill in marketing.

The most important reason that messages in marketing and sales need to avoid implying offers or promises that cannot be fulfill is simple because people don’t like to be misled and they prefer objective evidence for the claims made to be provided. “Marketers have a responsibility to stay up to date on laws and regulations that restrict promotional messages” (Bovee’, C., Thill, J., 2016 p330). Marketing and sales messages should be truthful and non-deceptive. Marketing and sales claim should be backed up by evidence and honesty because the old bait-and- switch technique is illegal. Marketing and sales messages are a binding contract in many states. Therefore, dishonesty in a sales message can lead to unfavorable legal action. For ethical reasons, it is always vital to avoid making promises you and your organization cannot keep. When it comes to business quite frankly any business it’s about customers. Customers come first, and you want to be able to have your customers as repeat customers. In this environment it is also important to understand that bad news travels fast well good news typically stays within a very few people. To be successful in business it is extremely important in marketing and sales messages to avoid implying offers or promises that your business or that the individual themselves cannot fulfill.

When a business implies that they can offer or deliver something that they cannot it puts them in a bad situation. Now they are forced to deliver bad news to the client or customer about their request. The customer is now not satisfied and at risk of going to a competitor. The money spent in marketing for this customer has now gone out the window. In addition, a business could lose this customer for life, meaning no repeat business.

Bad news travels quick. An unsatisfied customer or client has the world at their fingertips. Google reviews, Yelp, BBB and other sites such as these can put a negative tarnish on a business’s reputation.

When businesses are able to satisfy customers properly they are able to retain their business avoid chargebacks and create repeat customers as well as potential referrals from their customer base. These are all extremely beneficial things in the world of business. Under-promise and over-deliver is the adage here and will truly set a business up to succeed.

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