Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. to learn the word of god Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. to learn the word of god Thank you in advance for the help! My main passion in life is sharing the Word of God to others. I currently keep a daily journal of Bible studies and daily scriptures that I meditate on. Christ has called me to serve in the work of Kingdom building. This is the cause of my life. My plan is to complete the B.A.B.S. degree in two years if the Lord wills. I would love to be involved in evangelism ministry with the homeless and needy. Furthermore, I would like to start home bible studies for local churches in the area. I’m a hard-working, considerate person. Faith is extremely important to me.

My wife and I have a small ministry in the Beaumont area that provides water to the homeless. The name of our ministry is Rivers of Living Water. My education will build on the foundation the Holy Spirit has already taught me. I am extremely excited to learn the Word of God from men and women of God, affiliated with this seminary.

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