Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Airline Industry Competitive Analysis. Describe the quantity and quality of raw materials used The government dictates the availability of high quality service d

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Airline Industry Competitive Analysis. Describe the quantity and quality of raw materials used The government dictates the availability of high quality service delivery to increase the efficiency in the industry. With its desire to provide competition to the other world competitive airlines, the regulations set are required to follow a strict measure to reduce on the flaws that might be experienced. However, with the increasing demand for the airline service, the consumption of raw materials used is expected to heighten to a double figure with the desire to improve the service (Goold, 2009). Aluminum has since found a greater use in the industry and is expected to be further implemented in the coming years because of its availability and cheap means of acquisition. Its use is expected to decline by a minimal figure from 45% to 43% in the coming decades but will further find suitable use.

It is suggested that the aerospace manufacturing utilizes an estimated 950 million pounds in raw materials annually. The figure is expected to heighten by half in the subsequent years. The use of Aluminum and steel will further advance as they provide the quality and strength needed to sustain overall development of the sector as stipulated by the government. Composites including glass-fiber and carbon has increased and will further accelerate annually experiencing a 10% utility. Titanium and nickel are other metal that find their application to boost overall productivity of the industry. With these trends there lies a provision that dictates the amount of materials needed to be applied to achieve maximum returns. A steady rise in the overall growth would determine the quality of material applied in the production. The US airline has grown massively with its stressing on the need to produce quality products that abide to the set moral standards. With more input of the raw materials in the production process, maximum returns are realized.

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