Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Macroelements, Water, and Electrolytes in Sports Nutrition. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Macroelements, Water, and Electrolytes in Sports Nutrition. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. The restriction will sabotage the efforts of the client to keep fit and will enable the performance of the client. The fats of the body should not be shed off fast by the client as this may not work in the way that is desired by the client’s ambition (Benardot and Benardot, 2006). The intake of calories should be reduced. The diet that is required by the client is that which will enable the exercising of the client for the few hours and also which enables the recovery of the client after the exercise. This makes the client to demand more on carbohydrates than any other food in the diet (Driskell and Wolinsky, 1999). More of the carbohydrates with less of other food will make the reduction of the weight possible drop of the three kilograms.

The difference between the energy intake and the expenditure of the energy in the client is -609 kcal.d-1 the energy expenditure and intake should be increased in the diet of the client due to the exercises that are done by the client thee expenditure of the client is increasing from day one as more exercise is done by the client.

The client needs more energy in training and exercise. The energy intake in the client should be through the consumption of more carbohydrates as the main micronutrient. In the client’s diet, there is no inclusion of vitamins and minerals in the diet (Benardot and Benardot, 2006). The carbohydrates should also be increased in the diet of the client as the carbohydrates will provide to the client enough energy to meet the demands in the training of the client. The energy that will be given by the carbohydrates will enhance the adaptation and also the recovery by the client between the exercise periods (Eberle, 2000). The client will also need a lot of fluid in the diet as the fluid will serve the ensuring of hydration before the exercise, during the exercise, and after the exercise.

The alteration of the diet as in the recommendation will enable the client to meet the energy requirements and also the vitamin will repair the worn out tissues due to the injury the client is likely to have.

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