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Need an research paper on performance enhancing drugs in sport. Needs to be 10 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on performance enhancing drugs in sport. Needs to be 10 pages. Please no plagiarism. The uses of performance enhancement drugs increased in sports mainly to reduce psychological dependency, stress and lack of confidence. As a result, the use of pharmacological drugs, hormones, anabolic steroids came into existence. Due to the presence of varied types of steroid and anabolic steroids, the performance and strength of the professional players increased but it hindered the qualities of fair play. Moreover, the introduction of such type of performance enhancing drugs also reduced the features and natural qualities of athletes. Therefore due to the causes, the ethical framework of sports changed from impartiality and objectivity to partiality and biases.

This paper mainly tries to highlight the issue, whether the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports is ethical or not. In order to specify this concept, varied types of ethical theories are used like utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, the theory of justice, rights, the challenge of normative ethical relativism.

Dissatisfaction with performance and progress- in this age, the rate of use of anabolic drugs and steroids has increased in order to reduce the rate of dissatisfaction over his or her performance and progress. By doing so, the level of performance of the athlete’s increases resulting in amplification of their activities or actions. Due to which, the popularity and equity of the athlete, as well as the nation, also enhances to a significant extent as compared to many other nations.

Psychological dependency: numerous athletes intake varied types of anabolic drugs or steroids due to psychological dependency. As a result, the inner strength and morale of the athletes reduce that declines the level of performance to a considerable extent.

Wanting to attain a renowned position: in order to attain a renowned position just like numerous other experienced athletes, the maximum extent of the newcomers takes help of anabolic drugs or steroids in very low age groups.

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