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Create a 1 page page paper that discusses dovetail michelin-starred restaurants review.

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses dovetail michelin-starred restaurants review. Memo 20th September, Restaurant Review Dovetail is a Michelin-starred restaurant run by proprietor and chef John Fraser. Manhattans Upper West Side, the restaurant recently received a three stars rating from The New York Times plus it got its first Michelin star back in 2011, in the New York Guide.&nbsp.

Dovetail seems to be one of those restaurants, which flies below the radar but is, in reality, one of the top-notch restaurants to dine in, in New York. The food appears to be overly delicious and tantalizing and also the customer service seems to be reliable. From the pictures posted on the New York Times, the place seems to be like a quiet and calm oasis where one can go just to relax the mind and have a nice meal.

Their price range is from US$ 3 to US$ 50, which most New Yorkers can fit on this budget. Also, they have exquisite collecting of jazz music, which works well on entertaining clients when they are dining. This is not like other restaurants where you will dine while listening to some hard rock music and what TV, but Dovetail will take you back to the 90s where dining meant eating an exquisite meal while listening to some slow jazz. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone wishing to have that feel.

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