Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. contemporary issues in marketing mgt Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. contemporary issues in marketing mgt Thank you in advance for the help! Over time the classical economic theory based business social responsibility evolved to see business social responsibility as more than just profit. Businesses worldwide have become more socially responsible, but they still are pursuing economic interests. Economic interests will always remain the number one priority for businesses all over the world. “Any mechanism for enforcing or urging social responsibility upon firms must of course reckon with a profit motive…” (Arrow, 2001: 304)

Not all the businesses have socially responsible outlook. Some business owners still regard socially responsible business practices as a waste of money, the cost outweighing any benefits. The majority of business owners, however, regard the cost of socially responsible actions as necessary expense. They make such a commitment an essential part of their business operation. They take a great deal of pride in the reputation their business has established and wish to protect its good name. These businesses want to be seen as responsible corporate citizens, conscious of the high standards expected of them by their customers and society at large.

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