Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Karam’s Pizza & Samosa. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Karam’s Pizza & Samosa. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Unlike big corporations where business decisions had to be scrutinized and approved by a series of board meetings, Karam can make decisive decision about the business that would make it more responsive to the needs of the customers and business because he owns 65% of the business.

Karam’s pizzeria cannot accommodate the uptick of demand during its peak hours in the evening. Its oven cannot handle the orders of all its customers that they were either made to wait long or turned away. This operational inefficiency also affects other aspect of the business such as its delivery business because Karam could no longer promise 30 minutes or free.

One of the biggest culprit of Karam pizzeria’s operational inefficiency is its lack of capital equipment. One of the most obvious equipment that the business lack are ovens that could accommodate all the customers during its peak hours. Due to this lack of capital equipment, Karam is is incurring opportunity cost and is losing business with those customers that were turned away and straining the goodwill of those customers who were asked to wait long.

Karam’s lack of knowledge in the business aspect of his pizzeria is evident with his dislike for business to business transactions and his lapses with credit card sales (invoice issues etch). This lack of knowledge translates to opportunity lost with businesses that could have been earned with those transactions that use other modes of payment.

Karam’s retained earnings and his investors do not have enough resources or not willing to put in more resources for Karam’s expansion. Having this limitation, financing institutions such as banks may provide Karam the additional capital to expand the operation of his business and widen his customer base.

Karam may also look for white knights or investors who are willing to take risk in his business. This is very possible because Karam Pizzeria is very much in demand that customers are even willing to wait.

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